family walking down beach
Family Finances

Your Family and Your Finances

Whether you are recently married, saving for your kid's college or caring for aging parents, most big life events have financial implications. Trying to make the right decisions about your money while juggling work and family responsibilities can feel overwhelming. But with proper guidance and careful planning, you can reach these milestones confidently and help maintain your financial stability for years to come.

Preparing for Big Life Events

From merging finances in marriage, to helping parents plan their estate, family life is full of big financial decisions. Learn how to navigate them—and how a financial professional can help.
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a couple reviewing documents

Money and Marriage

There is little more exciting than choosing to align your life with the person you love. Of course, there are conversations you will want to have with your partner before tying the knot. To avoid disagreements and finance—related pitfalls down the road, one of the most important ones is about money — how you will make it, how you will save it, how you will spend it and how you will invest it.
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a family sitting on a couch

Building a Family Budget

Creating a budget may sound simple, but a flawed plan can leave you struggling to reach the goals you have set. Sometimes the collective decisions you make on your everyday spending have a material impact on your longer \- term goals. Fortunately, a combination of tried \- and \- true practices and modern tools can help you find your way. Learn steps that will help you avoid money\-related stress and make smart spending and saving decisions
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girl with a backpack

Paying for Education

Paying for education has become a major investment — one that often requires years of careful planning. As the costs keep rising, you should approach funding educational expenses, such as tuition, extension programs and advanced professional training, like any other kind of investment that needs a strategy built for your specific needs.
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mother and daughter smiling

Teaching Kids About Money

Educating your children about financial matters is important. But that does not mean it's easy. Indeed, many of us struggle to broach the subject of family finances with our family. However, avoiding having "the money talk" with your children can end up costing all of you in the long run.
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family members smiling

The State of Your Parents’ Estate

Talking with a parent about sensitive topics like incapacity or end\-of\-life issues is difficult, but important. Adults with aging parents can open the lines of communication about the family's financial future and the need to have a plan.
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Help Making the Most of Your Equity

Core Portfolios
Core Portfolios

Core Portfolios

Answer a few simple questions about your goals, risk tolerance and other investing preferences, and our automated process does the rest. We will provide you with an investment proposal to help you achieve your objectives.
Virtual Advisor
Virtual Advisor

Virtual Advisor

Create a comprehensive plan to help reach your goals with personalized advice from a team of highly skilled Financial Advisors & innovative platforms to help manage your financial life.
Financial Advisor
Meeting image

Financial Advisor

You have meaningful goals. Our Financial Advisors can help you reach them. For over 80 years, we have worked with individuals, families, businesses and institutions—to deliver services and solutions that help build, preserve and manage wealth.

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC ("Morgan Stanley"), its affiliates and Morgan Stanley Financial Advisors and Private Wealth Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. Clients should consult their tax advisor for matters involving taxation and tax planning and their attorney for matters involving trust and estate planning and other legal matters.

Investors should consider many factors before deciding which 529 plan is appropriate. Some of these factors include: the Plan's investment options and the historical investment performance of these options, the Plan's flexibility and features, the reputation and expertise of the Plan's investment manager, Plan contribution limits and the federal and state tax benefits associated with an investment in the Plan. Some states, for example, offer favorable tax treatment and other benefits to their residents only if they invest in the state's own Qualified Tuition Program. Investors should determine their home state's tax treatment of 529 plans when considering whether to choose an in-state or out-of-state plan. Investors should consult with their tax or legal advisor before investing in any 529 Plan or contact their state tax division for more information. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC does not provide tax and/or legal advice. Investors should review a Program Disclosure Statement, which contains more information on investment options, risk factors, fees and expenses and possible tax consequences.

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